Being short on cash is a big problem. It becomes a bigger issue especially to those who have a poor credit score. Getting a loan with a bad credit score is not easy as most lenders will not let you borrow money especially if you don’t have anything to use as security or collateral. It is next to impossible to get a loan from the bank when you have a bad credit score. During that time, you need a solution that not only helps to manage your monthly bills but also helps you improve your credit rating. Getting a Vehicle Title Loan in Moncton, New Brunswick with Snap Car Cash is the solution to choose when you’re struggling financially.
What Is A Bad Credit Car Title Loan?
Getting a loan by using your vehicle as collateral is called vehicle title loan. Most of the loan sources check your credit ratings before approving your loan but when you apply with Snap Car Cash, no credit check will be performed. That means you can get a title loan despite your bad credit score. This is what they call a bad credit car title loan. It is a loan taken for a short time period using your vehicle as security. You simply provide your car title to us and we hold your car title for the entire duration of your loan until the loan is paid in full. Once the loan is paid in full, we return your car title to you.
Loan Approval
To get approved for a Car title loan with Snap Car Cash you have to fulfill certain requirements.
- You must be of legal age or older in your respected province.
- Must have a car that is no more than 10 years old.
- Having a clear title to your car.
- You must have the vehicle registered and insured in your name.
You must provide these:
- A valid Canadian driver’s license.
- A proof of residency.
- Your vehicle’s registration and insurance.
- The second set of keys to your vehicle.
If you are able to fulfill the requirements and provide us with the above-needed documents, you will be approved for a loan with us!
Loan Repayments:
- You can make early payments without any penalties.
- Longer loan term up to 5 years.
- Low-interest rates.
- Low monthly payments.
Apply online or call us (toll-free) 1-888-886-7627 to get approved today!
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