A sudden financial emergency can come your way any time, and you may feel the need for same day cash. Sometimes expenses can become difficult to handle right away. It becomes a herculean task to go through these situations without borrowing money. Nowadays, getting a loan is a tricky process in itself, let alone getting the funds disbursed on the same day of applying.
If you have a car that is fully-paid, it can act as collateral for you to get instant cash right away. The vehicle should have positive equity in it and you can borrow up to $50,000 against it. Snap Car Cash is committed to help during your tough times. Your vehicle should be free from any lien or other financial obligations.
Car cash loans are a fast way to get funds directly into your bank account on the same day of applying. People with bad financial history can also opt for this type of loan. Most people prefer this loan since it is easy to apply for and you don’t have to surrender the car to us during the loan term.
How Do These Snap Car Cash Loans Work?
A car cash loans is a secured loan because your vehicle is used as collateral. We won’t keep it with us, but we will need it for the inspection purpose to calculate the loan amount that can be borrowed based on its overall working condition. You are free to take the car with you once the inspection process is over and when the loan has been approved.
All Credit Types Accepted
There’s no need to stress out if a bank rejects your loan application. We understand you need urgent money and that is why we accept loan requests of those who also have low debt scores. Not everyone has a perfect credit score or financial history. Our car equity loans are crafted for people who want same-day cash.
Minimum Requirements To Get A Car Equity Loan
The paperwork needed to submit for the loan is simple and includes the following:
- You must provide proof of legal age.
- You must have a vehicle that is not more than ten years old.
- You must have a clear car to your vehicle.
- You must have both collision and comprehensive insurance on your vehicle.
- The vehicle must be registered under your name.
- You must have a valid Canadian driver’s license.
- You must provide proof of permanent residency.
- A second set of keys to your vehicle is also required.
You can call us at our toll-free number, 1-888-886-SNAP(7627) or fill out our application form to get approved for a car collateral loan. Apply today!
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